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Dezhou Fuda textile and Garment Co., Ltd


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What is tooling fabric? Characteristics of tooling fabrics


What is tooling fabric? What are the characteristics of tooling fabrics? Tooling fabric is specially made for workers' needs. It can effectively clean, prevent pollution and protect the body from mechanical trauma, harmful chemicals and thermal radiation burns, including protection, washing resistance, bacteria and mildew resistance, chemical resistance, heat resistance, etc. With the popularity of tooling and work clothes, the current tooling fabric industry has attracted more and more attention!

Characteristics of tooling fabric:

① Economy:

The main feature of tooling fabrics is economic benefits. Many enterprises will be equipped with work clothes after employees enter the company. Because of the number of employees, it is particularly important to choose an economic source. Tooling fabrics are the economic source for the production of work clothes of various enterprises!

② Functionality:

According to the nature of enterprises, there are different types of tooling fabrics. For example, construction companies should choose canvas (plain cloth) or Oxford fabric with high wear resistance; Electronic companies should choose anti-static tooling fabrics, etc.

③ Comfort and durability:

Wearability because work clothes are the clothes that employees wear for the longest time, they must be comfortable and durable. Tooling fabrics basically have this characteristic!

